Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Filling of gaps?

FKLI 5/6/12 - am session

As we could see from the chart, market opened gap down yesterday @ 1558 from last closing @ 1570, last Friday.

My friend posted a question, will the gaps be filled? 
And I have raised this question of, what if the gaps were not filled within these two days?

Someone answered me; that there is no written rules that gaps have to be filled within minutes / hours / intraday / weeks / months or even years. And sometimes it might not be filled at all. This is something new which i have learnt from a senior.

However, based from my past observations so far, gaps are usually being filled; but within minutes / hours or even days, weeks or months, no one can tell how long would it takes to fill up the gaps.

A happy learning session... 

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