Tuesday, June 5, 2012

FKLI for 6/6/12

FKLI 6/6/12

Sorry, the numbers written in pencil was my reference for today, this afternoon after lunch opening, i was looking at 1560 level, whether to break up or down? And so, it went down later on to my support level after breaking 60 level, which i have discussed with a friend of mine earlier, to 57. But i was confused, having mixed signals then with some of the other indicators shown in the chart.

Let's discuss about what's up for tomorrow. DJIA is at positive 12 points now as of 11.16pm, (+ 0.10%). 

My current support level is @ 1556. And today's closing is @ 1557.50.
If tomorrow there were to be a breakout from 62 - 63 level, probably we should be seeing 68 - 70 anytime within the day, provided DJIA closed near flat / positive for tonight. It would be a good chance for an intraday "fifo" of FKLI tomorrow.

The gap which had been filled half today, looking around the levels as my PNF chart - 1568 - 1570.

A look of the daily chart - FKLI spot month; shows a resistance too @ 1568. 

DJIA as of 1147pm, -12 pts (-0.10%)

It is still looking flat.

Good luck for tomorrow!

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